Oregonbased Care 36M Serieshalltechcrunch

oregonbased care 36m serieshalltechcrunch


Oregon-based Care, a pioneering healthcare technology company, has just announced an impressive $36 million in Series A funding, signaling a significant milestone in its mission to revolutionize healthcare access and delivery. The funding round, reported by TechCrunch, is set to propel Care into a new era of expansion and innovation. In this article, we will delve into the details of this exciting development and explore how Care plans to leverage this investment to make a lasting impact on the healthcare industry.

The Vision of Care

Care was founded with a bold vision in mind: to make healthcare more accessible, affordable, and efficient for everyone. The company has taken a holistic approach to achieve this goal by leveraging technology, data analytics, and a patient-centric approach. Their platform connects patients with healthcare providers, streamlining the entire healthcare experience.

The Series A Funding

The $36 million in Series A funding represents a significant vote of confidence from investors in Care’s mission and its potential to disrupt the traditional healthcare model. The funding round was led by prominent venture capital firms, and the company has plans to use the capital injection for several key purposes:

  1. Expansion of Services: Care intends to expand its range of services to encompass a wider spectrum of healthcare needs. This includes diversifying its offerings to include specialized care and integrative medicine services.
  2. Geographic Expansion: The funds will also be used to extend Care’s reach beyond Oregon. The company aims to become a nationwide platform, ensuring that more people across the United States can benefit from its innovative healthcare solutions.
  3. Technological Advancements: Care is committed to staying at the forefront of healthcare technology. A significant portion of the funding will be allocated to the development of new features, improvements to existing ones, and enhancing data security.
  4. Talent Acquisition: With growth on the horizon, Care plans to hire top-notch talent in various roles, including engineering, healthcare, and customer support. This will be essential for scaling up their operations effectively.

Impact on Healthcare

Care’s platform has already begun to reshape how patients access healthcare services. By providing a user-friendly interface that allows patients to schedule appointments, consult with healthcare professionals remotely, and access medical records easily, Care has made healthcare more convenient and efficient.

Furthermore, Care’s approach to data analytics and patient engagement has the potential to improve health outcomes and reduce costs. With a greater focus on preventative care and early intervention, Care’s platform could lead to a healthier population overall.

The Future of Healthcare

The Series A funding for Care is not just a financial milestone but also a step towards the future of healthcare. In an era where the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telehealth and digital healthcare solutions, Care’s platform comes at a crucial time. It aligns with the evolving needs and expectations of patients who seek accessible and convenient healthcare options.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, Care is well-positioned to drive positive change. The funding raised in this Series A round will enable the company to scale its operations, reach more patients, and continue innovating. It represents a significant step towards a future where healthcare is truly patient-centric, technology-driven, and accessible to all.


Care’s successful $36 million Series A funding round marks an exciting chapter in the company’s journey to redefine healthcare access and delivery. With ambitious plans for expansion, technological enhancements, and a steadfast commitment to its vision, Care is poised to make a lasting impact on the healthcare industry. As they continue to grow and innovate, patients and healthcare providers alike can look forward to a future where healthcare is more accessible, efficient, and patient-focused than ever before.