Argumentos A Favor Da Redução Da Maioridade Penal Brainly

argumentos a favor da redução da maioridade penal brainly


The topic of reducing the legal age of criminal responsibility has been a subject of debate for many years. In many countries, including the United States, the age at which individuals can be held criminally responsible varies widely. While some argue that the age should remain as it is, there are several compelling arguments in favor of reducing the legal age of criminal responsibility. This article explores some of these arguments, shedding light on why some believe that lowering the age is a necessary step in the pursuit of justice and public safety.

  1. Deterrence and Accountability

One of the primary arguments in favor of reducing the legal age of criminal responsibility is the belief that it would serve as a deterrent to juvenile crime. Proponents argue that lowering the age at which individuals can be held criminally responsible would make young offenders think twice before engaging in criminal activities. Knowing that they could face legal consequences, even at a younger age, may discourage some juveniles from committing crimes in the first place.

Furthermore, proponents argue that reducing the legal age of criminal responsibility would promote accountability among young offenders. It would send a clear message that individuals of a certain age are expected to understand the consequences of their actions and be held accountable for them.

  1. Protecting Society

Another argument in favor of lowering the legal age of criminal responsibility is the need to protect society from young offenders who pose a significant threat. Some juveniles engage in serious crimes such as murder, rape, and armed robbery, and proponents believe that society should be protected from these dangerous individuals.

Advocates for reducing the age argue that it is essential to identify and address these young offenders early to prevent them from becoming habitual criminals in adulthood. By holding them accountable for their actions at a younger age, society can intervene more effectively, provide rehabilitation when necessary, and reduce the risk of repeat offenses.

  1. Equality and Fairness

Critics of the current legal age of criminal responsibility argue that it creates an unjust system where older adolescents receive harsher punishments than their younger counterparts for similar offenses. They contend that the age of 18 or 21 as the legal threshold for criminal responsibility is somewhat arbitrary and does not account for individual maturity levels.

By lowering the legal age, proponents argue that the legal system would treat all individuals more fairly, taking into consideration their cognitive development, emotional maturity, and the specific circumstances of their offenses. This approach would promote a more just and equitable criminal justice system.

  1. Rehabilitation and Support

Advocates for reducing the legal age of criminal responsibility emphasize the importance of rehabilitation and support for young offenders. They argue that the current system often focuses on punitive measures, which may not be effective in addressing the underlying issues that lead juveniles to commit crimes.

Lowering the age would allow for early intervention and the provision of appropriate rehabilitation and support services, such as counseling, education, and vocational training. This approach aims to help young offenders reintegrate into society as law-abiding citizens, rather than condemning them to a lifetime of criminality.


While the debate over reducing the legal age of criminal responsibility continues, proponents make strong arguments in favor of this change. They highlight the potential benefits of deterrence, accountability, and early intervention, as well as the need to create a more equitable and fair legal system. Ultimately, the decision to lower the legal age of criminal responsibility should be made after careful consideration of all perspectives and a thorough examination of the potential consequences.